Sunday, March 30, 2008

Children’s Art and Coffee

A busy week, guests and some needed time spent at the office have caused delay in posting. As a result, the personal notes today stray a bit from the business of art. Kudos for the many art teachers and those that inspire (including parents), who give their kids the freedom of expression to create.

In a local coffee shop recently I noticed an entire wall dedicated to local children’s artwork. Most of it was framed and presented with little tags below indicating the child’s name and age along with the title of the piece and a clear NFS (not for sale).

I would like to commend the coffee shop (Spiral Café in Vic West, Victoria, BC Canada) for their support of the community and children who get a chance to showcase their work proudly. I am sure that this happens in many places across the country and it is great to see.

I remember my wife Pat giving drawing lessons to our kids and the amazing results from just a few tips and the pride in producing and creating that comes with it.

The art business exists only because artists create and are encouraged to share that with the rest of us.


Cecelia said...

Interesting post. As a retired art teacher and grandmother, I appreciated it even more!

Myron D. Arndt said...

Thanks Cecelia! I am sure with grandchildren around you have not "retired" from teaching! All the best!

Kelly Schwark said...

What a wonderful thing for the cafe to care enough to nuture the future creators of the world! Children learn to admire art before they can speak, as I'm learning from my 9 month old! When I was in high school, our district had taken one of the buses that had too many miles on it and transformed it into a traveling museum.

The entire community had become involved; pieces were loaned out from area museums, and the many student exhibits were shared at the schools as well as the local senior citizen homes. It brought smiles wherever it went! I'll have to look in to see what ever happened to "Van-Go," a title of which could have only been given by a first grade class!

Thanks for reminding me of how wonderful it is to share at any age!


Myron D. Arndt said...

Thanks Kelly, The traveling museum bus was a great idea - it's great to see that type of creativity in a community! Thanks for sharing.