Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Giclee's on Paper

I would like to encourage artists who are deciding to print giclee's of their work to do some serious research in regard to the paper they choose.

One false economy that I see constantly is the desire to use an inexpensive paper in the hope that it will save money - after all something priced at $2.50 per square foot will cost a lot less for a print than something at $9.00 per square foot.

However, the differences are often much more than price. Each paper used in the giclee print process is coated to maximize image transfer and reproduction. Lower end papers were primarily made to print signs and banners and although on the surface they may produce a pleasant print - you will certainly see the difference when printing on a true fine art sheet.

Additionally there is the longevity and of the sheet to consider along with simply matching the paper to your work. For example, watercolour paintings reproduce best on a paper that simulates watercolour paper that you paint on - including the colour of the paper. If the paper you print on has a similar background colour to the colour of your painting sheet, you will suffer through less colour corrections and problems in printing.

There is so much information about papers, giclee printing and colour that this is not a good place to provide all of it - so here are only a few links to further information.

What is a giclee?

What paper to use?

Search the web and you will find a myriad of companies who will offer good information on what they use to print with and why. You will find some common brands coming forward over and over such as Hahnemhule, Epson, Strathmore, Arches, Intellicoat and more. This is not a recommendation of one brand over another - but good papers get used more often because they are reliable.

Here is a link to a printer in Florida with good Giclee information.

Papers for Giclee

Also check out the articles on the V-Groove website.


chelsea said...

Very informative post, thank you!

Myron D. Arndt said...

Thank you, Chelsea. I value all comments so if there was something you found particularly helpful - please let me know.

Anonymous said...

Going through some old portfolios recently, I had come across drawings, sketches and studies created on newsprint. It was college, I was broke, the paper was cheap.

I would love to go back and tell myself to use the best paper possible, just to hang onto some of those pieces a little longer.

My mind started thinking of all of the great masters' works that have already vanished into thin air. I suppose it's almost poetic how we are blessed to have certain images only for a brief period of time in history.

Thanks for the post and for further informing the informed, like myself.
